Ever been really bored? Like so F-ing bored you spend long moments with your service revolver in your mouth contemplating the relative entertainment value to be found in your own oblivion? Well, Wikipedia has got your back. No, not on offing yourself (although if you do that spectacularly enough you can totally count on getting your own article) rather, keeping you amused with strange, cryptic articles.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Not every short, cryptic article is very fun, despite their fun titles (see poothole for example). Still, with a little looking, some sweet gems turn up. One of the finest, in this author's humble opinion, comes from the frightening underworld lurking deep within cold, remote seas. It’s a mystery sound, known as the “Bloop”. The name being a bit of an onomatopoeia that, while fairly ambiguous, sounds better then “gassy baby in bathwater”.
Why is this sound so awesome? Well, out of context, it really isn’t. It sounds like, uh, a bloop. It’s only when you consider that the sound’s profile fits something “animal in origin” and its many times more powerful then the loudest animal sound in the world, can you really appreciate the mental images of giant kraken or monstrous eels that spring to mind.
This is one artist's rendition of what may be responsible for the "bloop"
and his rather negative appearing interaction with santa.

Look, all I’m saying is we need to be careful here. Otherwise we could end up buying into another "well to hell" recording, and no one wants that. :P
Just going by the sounds shown, hell is about as harrowing as a rollercoaster. :\