Main article: Seduction community
Science; from its humble beginnings as a Dungeons & Dragons club formed in the basement of Socreates' parents house, to the near countless specialized fields that we know today (including astronomy, geology, and scatology, to name a but a few), science has truly budded into a beautiful young lady. And by young lady, I mean a systematic and empirical based method of discovery.But this was by no means an overnight process. Baby science grew slowly, and, upon contracting the occasional childhood dark age or infectious book burning, even took a few steps back at times. Scientists of bygone ages were often faced with exile, excommunication, and ex-livingness. (Today’s scientists, by contrast, generally only face ex-spouses). Yes, it was a far cry from our enlightened age where a career in science can easily turn the most gangly and socially awkward into an international sex symbol.
Case in point: the former computer scientist Bill Gates.

So who are these valiant Don Juan's? Those more or less able to implement the techniques honed in the seduction community are known as "pickup artists". While the title might make them sound like anything but scientists, these daring Casanovas are more like the natural philosophers of old, who knew science as much of an art as anything else. But to call them scientists or even artists would be unfair, for as members of the seduction community, they exist in what are called “lairs” (seriously), making them obviously more like superheroes, or I guess supervillains, depending on how you look at it.
This is "Mystery", level 87 nymphomancer and the Copernicus of the seduction community.
He only dresses like a douchebag because he likes the added challenge.
Your resistance: Futile.
With the above in mind, it’s little wonder that some people, mostly the seduction communities arch-nemesis, the feminists, find these delightful characters more then a little threatening. Some of the words used in the article to describe men in the seduction community are “sinister”, “pathetic” and that they “sometimes [treat women] as a commodity”.
Now, I suppose I could see how devising a covert strategy to underhandedly earn someone’s affections for your own sexual gratification might be slightly sinister, or how studying special techniques and logging “field reports” to accomplish something that superior men can do unconsciously could be seen as mildly pathetic, but one thing is for sure, no one should think of women as commodities.
Women are (unfortunately) not sold by the bushel. And no matter how convenient it may be, you cannot store Costco-sized pallets of women in your warehouse until you're ready to use them. No, women are not commodities, but more like more complex financial instruments, such as derivatives, or stock options. And as we all know, piss one off enough and she’ll quickly bring down more then just your flawed banking regulatory system.
The one exception to the rule however are cheerleaders, who are
not only a commodity but also make acceptable carry-on items.
not only a commodity but also make acceptable carry-on items.
Awesomeness tip: My hat goes off to the seduction community, certainly what they do as a hobby can’t be any lamer then reviewing Wikipedia articles. The whole subculture is fascinating and I implore you to read the article. Just to sweeten the deal, I’ll throw in a related, unlinked article called Concepts in the seduction community and a review just a few of its contents to help prove that I’m not just making all this up. The following are real phrases used in the community:
Bitch shield— a dysphemistic term used to describe the reaction of many females who are accustomed to being approached frequently. While threatening, the bitch shield is substantially less painful then the bitch sword and much less traumatic then the bitch photon torpedo. Also, if seduction attempts go badly enough, the bitch shield can turn into the bitch slap.
Cockblock— While this, originally a seduction community term, has found its way in mainstream society, few know that rather then just part of a crude parlance describing the act blocking someones seduction attempts, the technique is simply named after its inventor, Chesterfield J. Cockblock.
Neg— The neg is an ambiguous or negative statement used to generate a reaction in a women. While tricky to use, a well placed neg can do wonders in getting an initial opening going. An example of this would be “Nice nails; are they real?” or my personal favorite, “JESUS, what’s wrong with your face?”