Main article: Handkerchief code
Like an effeminate touch applied to histories supple backside, homosexuality has had a long and “pride” filled existence.
As many readers are aware, the ancient Greeks were the first to invent gay sex (Hence the phrase “going Greek” or "Greek love"), although they eventually apologized for this and later made up for it by inventing things like democracy, plumbing, and the Archimedes screw (no relation to gay sex). Over the next few millennia, starting in the Mediterranean, homosexuality slowly arose it’s fat, cobra-like head, and spread across the rest of the world. This lasted until well into the 20th-century when it finally took up permanent residence in San Francisco, which then officially ceded from the straight world sometime in the 1970’s.There are some in recent years however, who have sought to challenge the notion that the Greeks invented anything more then a crude vernacular referring to anal sex for escort service ads. Many point to the ubiquitous nature of homosexuality in, well, nature. As the Wikipedia article Homosexuality in animals attests, sex between male giraffes happens to such an uncomfortable degree that conservationists, like parents of recently outed children, don’t know whether to be supportive or ashamed.
Bad giraffe! You keep up this deviant behavior and the
Kansas city zoo is going to create a giraffe straight camp!
Still, the road to the current state of gay liberation has not been without a few hiccups. There was that whole awkward thing of being written out most major religions. Also, being rounded up and exterminated during the holocaust wasn’t too hot either.
...Well, maybe that’s a poor word choice.
While the road has certainly been a rocky one, from this adversity much innovation has been born. Admittedly, not all of it has been completely perfect. For example, there was Gay fuel, a now-defunct gay energy drink. While generally described as having a good taste, it came with the unfortunate side effect of turning one flamboyantly homosexual for roughly 4-6 hours following consumption.
Here's a fun idea: pack one of these into your kids school
lunch and see how many bruises they come home with.
Yet many creations were nothing less then remarkable. One such invention, which certainly left homosexuals coming out on, so to speak, is what’s known as handkerchief code.
As its Wikipedia article attests, this brilliant system was devised to allow members of small sexual minorities, homosexuals and beyond, to find each other by wearing specific colors of handkerchief; the “giver” generally wearing it in their left trouser pocket (Yes, I said trouser), and the “receiver” in their right. The system is analogous to the color matching jerseys seen on sports teams, only way gayer.
As one would expect, the article bares a substantial list of all the divergent colors and their typical meanings. Far more freaky practices then perhaps then most readers will have even realized existed. While most are rather ho-hum, such as anal intercourse, daddy/boy sex, and cock-and-ball torture, a few have the potential to stir a readers casual interest, such as the “dark red” color and its reference to the nostalgic pastime of two-handed anal fisting.Who wants a mustache ride??

That said, as an oblivious straight man myself, I have to tip my hat to the exotic world of homosexuality and fetishes, for they have engineered a system far superior to those used by their straight counterparts. Handkerchief code gives me the orientation equivalent of penis-envy. Why can’t the boring, mainstream, straight world come up with a great system like this? Granted, our engagement/wedding ring system has worked pretty well with vanilla sex for centuries now, but perhaps it’s time that we aspired for more. Why can’t I wear an excessively large flesh-tone colored hat to show that I would prefer a woman with excessively large flesh-tone colored breasts? And women, why not wear something distinctive, like diamond encrusted tiara to signify you’re looking for a guy with money, so that more economically disadvantaged males can steer clear. Yes, there is much progress to be made here, and embarrassingly, it’s those having sex in furry costumes that are leading the way.
This would symbolize that you do not
want to have sex with this woman.
Awesomeness tip: Check out the Handkerchief code article. If you’re like me, and you’d like to commandeer this system for your own, much like your ancestors probably did to Indian lands, look through the list and carefully determine what fetish might be right for you. When you think you know, go to a website like and order that particularly color of hanky. Wear it for a few weeks and see what results you get. If enough straight people do this, eventually homosexuals will realize how lame the practice has become and abandon it. Until such time, you might be occasionally surprised by a large, hairy man in a leather gimp suit grabbing your ass, but these are the temporary prices we must pay to help carve a better future!
I’ve got a gold colored hanky heading for my left pocket today! :D